## Linde ##edrm . . 11:00 linde.rm 16:08 40:46 ## Polchinski ##edrm . . 11:29 linde.rm 41:10 59:48 ## Lyth edrm . . 11:40 linde.rm 1:00:24 1:25:10 ## Lewis ##edrm . . 12:00 linde.rm 1:26:29 1:48:18 ## Freese ##edrm . . 12:20 linde.rm 1:49:15 2:08:23 -rw-r--r-- 1 seminars staff 3123746 Aug 22 13:29 full.rm lrwxrwxrwx 1 seminars staff 37 Aug 22 13:29 linde-hi.rm -> /net/galileo/home/au/cmb_c02/linde.rm lrwxrwxrwx 1 seminars staff 48 Aug 22 13:29 linde.rm -> /home/seminars/online/cmb_c02/linde/snd/linde.rm -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 80959612 Aug 22 13:09 linde-hi.rm Log File: /var/tmp/online/lyth/sure.log Input File 1: linde-hi.rm Output File: /var/tmp/online/lyth/sure.rm Start Time: 1:00:24 End Time: 1:25:10 Processing complete! Results: Title: The Curvaton hypothesis for the origin of large-scale structure Author: David Lyth, Univ of Lancaster Copyright: KITP New Cosmology, 22 Aug 2002 11:40 Comment: Allow Recording: On Allow Download: On ***********************************************